PNA - Propulsão (Inflow velocity)

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PNA - Propulsão (Inflow velocity)

Postby lindebras » Wed Jul 11, 2018 11:09 am

Na Teoria da Circulação é mencionado "inflow velocity" é o "axial inflow factor" (da Teoria do Momentum)?

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Re: PNA - Propulsão (Inflow velocity)

Postby Admin » Wed Jul 11, 2018 11:47 am

Na Teoria da Circulação é mencionado "inflow velocity" é o "axial inflow factor" (da Teoria do Momentum)?
Não entendi a pergunta. :roll:
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Re: PNA - Propulsão (Inflow velocity)

Postby lindebras » Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:56 am

Na pág. 143, do Vol. II há a seguinte passagem:

"Betz further developed the important theorem that a propeller blade will have the smallest energy losses resulting from the induced velocities when the helicoidal vortex sheet is pushed astern along the shaft axis and rotated about this axis as though it were a rigid sheet. This theorem furnishes a simple and definite rule for the design of the propeller blade in practice; in order to obtain the maximum propeller efficiency, which is usually the aim of the designer, the blades must be so designed that the inflow velocity is the same for every blade element."

Como a teoria da Circulação faz um link entre as teorias anteriores, quando ele diz "inflow velocity", ele está se referindo ao "axial inflow factor" (conceito apresentado na Teoria do Momentum)?

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Re: PNA - Propulsão (Inflow velocity)

Postby Admin » Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:17 am

Acho que são coisas diferentes, mas ambos tratando do fluxo que chega à pá.
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Re: PNA - Propulsão (Inflow velocity)

Postby lindebras » Fri Jul 13, 2018 10:24 am

Obrigado pelo retorno.

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